History Of Spices 05 - Ginger (by Bee Natural Organic)



Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a well known member from zingiberaceae botanical family which also include turmeric and cardamom. Ginger contains about 2% of essential oil which contains zingeberene as the principal component.That oil is diluted to be used in perfume and food industries.



It believed that ginger is originated in South East Asia.Indians and Chinese used ginger as a tonic root for over 5000 years to treat many ailments. In countries like Japan slices of ginger is eating between dishes at a meal for the purpose of cleaning the palate.

When it comes to 01 st century traders had taken ginger to medittaranean region. Ginger was an important spice traded by orient with  Roman empire over 2000 years ago. And when it comes to 11th century ginger was well known in England.


Bee Natural Organic Ginger Powder

With the proud history of Sri Lankan spices, Bee Natural Organic is providing you the best Organic Ceylon ginger powder 100% obtained from organic farmers from Monaragala,Sri Lanka. And are organic certified under the standards of USDA organic and EU organic and are carefully processed and packed to preserve the real freshness and aroma of Ceylon ginger.



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